United Women in Faith

November 12 - Officers installed during worship

November 15 - Morning Circle will meet at 9:45 a.m. at Marianne Harrison's home.

November 20 - Lula Rawls Service Guild meets at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor

Quilters' Circle - meets every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. in the Youth Center

We are the only official women’s organization of the United Methodist Church. We are women like you, a powerful, fearless force driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood. With a focus on women, children, and youth, we act for justice and transform communities. 

Join us because love in action can change the world

*For more information on joining United Women in Faith or one of our circle groups, please contact Elizabeth Bell. The Guild meets the 3rd Monday and the Circle meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month.

Alter Flowers

Ministry Opportunity

If you would like to put flowers in the sanctuary for a Sunday service, please contact Mary Hinson at 850.209.1393. If you do not get an answer, please leave a message.

Available dates: Dec.17, 31

Parish Care

Parish Care is creating a Visitation Ministry in which people can partner together to visit those in our church that are not able to come to church as much as they would like. We will schedule visits for Mondays (or another day if Monday is inconvenient) and go together in pairs. If you are interested in being part of this ministry once a week or once a month or every so often, please contact Pastor Nichole Mayo. (850-573-3104)

Restoration Church

We have some events coming up where we could use extra hands or resources. We will need help cleaning and decorating the church and voices to help carol in Cottondale on Dec. 2. We will need cookies baked and wrapped to distribute while caroling. We also are preparing to launch Celebrate Recovery on January 1, the anniversary of our church beginning. We could use greeters, food prep, child care, AV/Sound help, etc.

December 2

Church Workday and

Hanging of the Greens

1:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.

December 2

Caroling in Cottondale

4:00 -5:15 p.m.